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Standard of Care: Law of American Bioethics

George J. AnnasDirector, Law, Medicine and Ethics Program, Boston University School of Public Health, USA

ISBN13: 9780195120066
ISBN: 019512006X
Published: March 1999
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £26.99

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Using courtroom resolutions of real bioethical disputes as its focus, this work explores the fundamental value conflicts confronting medicine and society. This case-based approach illuminates the value choices with which the power of modern medicine confronts us. The author urges health professionals to go beyond the minimalist legal ""standard of care"" by promoting a vigorous, patient-centered medical ethics based on both respect for the human rights of individual patients and responsibility to society.

If modern medicine is to enhance human life, a reconceptualization of law as the beginning of ethical discourse, rather than as an instrument to end it, is essential.;This book is intended for bioethicists, physicians, lawyers, lay readers.

Other Jurisdictions , USA
The U.S. Constitution and Bioethics
PART I: Current Controversies
1. Brave New Medicine: Restricting Doctor-Patient Conversations
2. Trend Surfing: The War on Drugs and Prisoners
3. She's Going to Die: The Tragedy of Angela Carter
PART II: Constitutional Rights at the Beginning of Life
4. The Supreme Court, Privacy, and Abortion
5. The Short, Happy Life of Commercial Surgery
6. A French Homunculus in a Tennessee Court
PART III: Constitutional Rights at the End of Life
7. The Insane Root Takes Reason Prisoner: The Supreme Court and the Right to Die
8. In Thunder, Lightning or in Rain
9. Legislating the Right to Die: In the Laboratory of the States
Private Sector Bioethics
PART IV: AIDS: Public and Private Obligations
10. Not saints but Healers: Legal Duties of Physicians in the AIDS Epidemic
11. Faith (Healing), Hope and Charity at the FDA: The Politics of AIDS Drugs Trials
PART V: Biotechnology and Commerce
12. Mapping the Human Genome and the Meaning of Monster Mythology
13. Outrageous Fortune: Selling Other People's Cells
PART VI: Organ Transplants and Implants
14. The Politics of Tetal Tissue Transplants
15. From Canada with Love: Death and Organ Donation
16. Death and the Magic Machine: Consent to the Artificial Heart
PART VII: Resourse Allocation
17. Rationing Medical Care
18. Minerva v. National Health Agency, 53 U.S.
2d 333 (2020)
PART VIII: Killing
19. Siamese Twins: Killing One to Save the Other
20. Killing Machines