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American Legal Thought from Premodernism to Postmodernism: An Intellectual Voyage

Stephen M. FeldmanProfessor of Law and Political Science, University of Tulsa, USA

ISBN13: 9780195109672
ISBN: 0195109678
Published: March 2002
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £84.00

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American legal thought has progressed remarkably quickly from premodernism to modernism and into postmodernism in little over 200 years, running from the nation's founding through the 20th century. This book tells the story of this mercurial journey of jurisprudence by showing the development of legal thought through these three intellectual periods. Feldman's narrative revolves around two broad interrelated themes: jurisprudential foundations and the idea of progress. Comprehensive and accessible, the book draws on significant cases from Supreme Court history to provide a handy one-volume overview for law students, practitioners, and legal scholars.