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Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner Self

ISBN13: 9780195101287
ISBN: 0195101286
Published: June 1997
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £19.49

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In this book G. Edward White, the acclaimed biographer of Earl Warren and one of America's most esteemed legal scholars, provides a rounded portrait of a remarkable jurist.

White provides a vivid portrait of Holmes's life and an astute commentary on his legal writings, including the classic work, The Common Law. He reveals that some of the themes that have dominated twentieth-century American jurisprudence DS including protection for free speech and the belief that judges make the law DS originated in Holmes's work.

Suggesting that understanding Holmes's life is crucial to understanding his work, White continually stresses the connections between Holmes's legal career and his personal life.
