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Hamer's Professional Conduct Casebook 4th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780192883407
Published: May 2023
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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An indispensable source of reference for practitioners and tribunal members, Hamer's Professional Conduct Casebook is the only book to provide comprehensive coverage of case law in the field of professional regulation and discipline. The fourth edition of this long—standing casebook contains ninety chapters in an easy to follow A—Z format, as well as a supplement chapter covering additional cases right up until a month before publication.

The book analyses the key cases in a single portable volume, distilling the general principles from the legislative framework and offering lucid, informed summaries that are of great support for practitioners. Key words are included in the margin beside cases to enable the reader to see at a glance the critical features of the case in question. The book covers issues arising during the course of professional conduct proceedings, from absence of the practitioner to evidence, findings of fact, misconduct, impairment and sanction. The book identifies the applicable statutory and non-statutory provisions and guidance on each topic and summarises the leading cases and relevant case law.

New to this Edition:

  • 300 new cases
  • Separate chapters dealing with conviction and caution cases (general principles and sanction); dishonesty (general principles and sanction); misconduct (general principles and sanction); and sanction (general principles and specific cases)
  • New chapters on contractual and statutory regulation, lies, and non-compliance

Professional Conduct and Ethics, eBooks, Courts and Procedure
1:Absence of Practitioner
2:Abuse of Process
6:Appeals by the Regulator
7:Bad Character
9:Burden of Proof
10:Case Management
11:Civil Restraint Orders
12:Concurrent Proceedings
13:Conditions of Practice Orders
14:Consensual Disposal
15:Constitution of Panel
16:Contractual and Statutory Regulation
17:Conviction and Caution Cases (General Principles)
18:Conviction and Caution Cases (Sanction)
20:Deficient Professional Performance
22:Disclosure, Confidentiality, Data Protection, and Freedom of Information
23:Dishonesty (General Principles)
24:Dishonesty (Sanction)
25:Double Jeopardy
26:Drafting of Charges
31:Findings of Fact
33:Galbraith Summons
34:Good Character
35:Health (Adverse Physical or Mental Health)
36:Human Rights
37:Impairment of Fitness to Practise
38:In Camera Discussions
39:Independent and Impartial Tribunal
40:Indicative Sanctions Guidance
41:Insight and Remediation
42:Integrity (Lack of)
43:Interim Orders (General Principles)
44:Interim Orders (Extension of)
45:Investigation of Allegations
47:Judicial Conduct
48:Judicial Immunity
49:Judicial Review
51:Language (Knowledge of English)
52:Legal Advice
53:Legal or Other Representation
54:Legitimate Expectation
56:Medical Advisers
57:Misconduct (General Principles)
58:Misconduct (Specific Misconduct)
59:Natural Justice
61:No Case to Answer
63:Notification Requirements
64:Oral Hearing
67:Public or Private Hearing
68:Publication and Anonymity
72:Re-opening and Review of Decisions
74:Restoration to the Register
75:Review Hearings
76:Sanction (General Principles)
77:Sanction (Specific Cases)
79:Standard of Proof
80:Stay Proceedings
81:Striking Off
84:Unrepresented Practitioner
85:Voluntary Erasure
90:Words and Phrases
91:Supplementary Cases (2023)