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Responsibility and Healthcare (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780192872425
Published: May 2024
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This edited collection brings together world-leading authors writing about a wide range of issues related to responsibility and healthcare, and from a variety of perspectives. Alongside a comprehensive introduction by the editors outlining the scope of the relevant debates, the volume contains 14 chapters, split into four sections. This volume pushes forward a number of important debates on responsibility and its role in contemporary healthcare.

The first and second groups of chapters focus, respectively, on (a) the potential justification and (b) nature of 'responsibility-sensitive' policies in healthcare provision; in other words, policies that would hold some patients responsible for their ill health via differences in treatment. These sections include empirically-informed work on public opinion, chapters linking responsibility in healthcare with ongoing debates around criminal responsibility, and new conceptual and theoretical work on the details of responsibility-sensitive policies.

The third set of chapters turns in a more detailed way to the issues of whether, and how, we can be responsible for our health, presenting novel challenges and questions for those who would advocate responsibility-sensitive policies in healthcare.

Finally, questions of responsibility in medicine do not end with those receiving treatment. The fourth group of chapters broadens the volume's focus to think about responsibility of individuals other than patients, including medical professionals and policymakers, including specific consideration of the role of responsibility during pandemics.

eBooks, Medical Law and Bioethics
1:Should Responsibility Affect Who Gets a Kidney?, Lok Chan, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Jana Schaich Borg, Vincent Conitzer
2:Against Retributivism in Health Care, Jeanette Kennett
3:Moral Responsibility Scepticism, Epistemic Considerations and Responsibility for Health, Elizabeth Shaw
4:On Prevalence and Prudence, Nir Eyal
5:Responsibility, Healthcare, and Harshness, Gabriel De Marco
6:Informed Consent and Morally Responsible Agency, Dana Kay Nelkin
7:Responsibility for ill-health and lifestyle: Drilling down into the details, Neil Levy
8:Obesity and responsibility for health, Rekha Nath
9:Habitual Health-Related Behaviour and Responsibility, Rebecca CH Brown
10:Fighting Vaccination Hesitancy: Improving the Exercise of Responsible Agency, Daniel Miller, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Nadira Faber, Andreas Kappes
11:Taking Responsibility for Uncertainty, Richard Holton, Zoë Fritz
12:Physician, heal thyself: do doctors have a responsibility to practise self-care?, Joshua Parker, Ben Davies
13:Progressive Reciprocal Responsibility: A Pre-emptive Framework for Future Pandemics, Julian Savulescu, Peter Marber
14:Inequalities in Prospective Life Expectancy: Should Luck Egalitarians Care?, Shlomi Segall