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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students 2024 isbn 9780198894933

Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students 2023

Edited by: Dominic Wood, et al.

ISBN13: 9780192872135
New Edition ISBN: 9780198894933
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780192848079
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Comprehensive and reliable, Blackstone's Handbook for Policing Students 2023 is the ideal companion for the multitude of avenues into policing now open to future police officers, from pre-join degree courses, degree holder entry and degree apprenticeships. The book will also be of interest to Specials and PCSOs, especially those looking to join a police service as a constable.

Divided into six parts, representing key stages in your progression from entry into policing, to initial training and then confirmation, the Handbook leads you through each topic, covering theory, discussion, and practice while helping you to develop your skills of analysis, problem solving, and forms of reasoning. Coupled with a clear structure and accessible style, the book will provide you with the knowledge and understanding necessary to undertake independent patrol in a professional and competent manner. Key topics covered include stop, search, and entry; alcohol and drug offences; sexual offences; interviewing; and intelligence, as well as cybercrime. Those aspects of police training which are common to all new entrants are clearly identified. There are specific chapters on qualification structures and training and assessment, making the Handbook the ideal resource whether you are entering policing through a pre-join scheme or through an alternative qualification route.