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Global Antitrust and Sustainability: Law, Economics, Enforcement

ISBN13: 9780192864505
To be Published: October 2025
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00

Sustainability has received increasing attention in recent years, particularly surrounding concerns of poverty in the Global South, the climate emergency, the loss of biodiversity, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Competition and public authorities are more frequently encountering sustainability questions, while states are more generally called upon to foster sustainability by the UN Resolution 70/1. Against this backdrop, and drawing on cases and materials from different jurisdictions, Global Antitrust and Sustainability: Law, Economics, Enforcement explores the interaction between antitrust law and sustainability from the perspectives of law, economics, and the enforcement of such rules.

The book introduces the concept of sustainability and its environmental, social, and economic pillars and then gathers key insights from economic theory and economic studies on the relationship between competition and sustainability. The subsequent chapters examine legal provisions, cases, and other materials from around the globe to analyse how competition agencies have responded to the sustainability challenge, and the effectiveness of their action.

Insightful and pioneering, Global Antitrust and Sustainability makes timely recommendations to ensure that competition policy contributes to a more sustainable world and will be an invaluable resource for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners.