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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook 2023: Law isbn 9780192868701

Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook 2022: Law

Edited by: PNLD, Mark Hartley

ISBN13: 9780192848062
New Edition ISBN: 9780192868701
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780198848653
Published: October 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback Pocketbook
Price: Out of print

Also available as

Blackstone's Police Operational Handbook 2022 is designed specifically to meet the reference needs of officers whilst out on patrol. Written in a concise and accessible style, it covers a wide range of common offences and clearly explains and interprets the relevant legislation. Using clear and consistent presentation throughout, each chapter offers you a definition of the offence, the points to prove, and a clear system of icons covering police powers and mode of trial. At a glance, you can access everything you need to make a quick, informed decision in a host of everyday policing situations.

The fifteenth edition of this highly regarded and successful Handbook is fully updated to include all recent legislative developments, including updates from the Stalking Protection Act 2019, the Data Protection Act 2018, Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 s 60, new European Commission implementing Regulation - Rules and Procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft (drones), Offensive Weapons Act 2019 amending the Firearms Act 1968 s 5 relating to the prohibition of certain firearms, changes in consequence of the Sentencing Act 2020, and clarification of defences relating to serious assaults committed for the purpose of sexual gratification introduced by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. The book also includes over 40 recent cases across the chapters, primarily from the Court of Appeal and House of Lords, providing the reader with up-to-date judgments related to how the law is being interpreted and applied by the courts.

Whatever your role - police patrol officer, supervisor, student police officer, PCSO, or Special Constable - this is an invaluable tool for operational personnel.

  • The only portable, succinct law reference for police officers on the beat
  • Covers over 100 different offences in the areas of general crime, assaults, drugs, sexual offences, public disorder, firearms, licensing, and road traffic
  • Written and endorsed by the Police National Legal Database (PNLD) - the officially endorsed online legal information service for police forces in England and Wales
  • Clearly lays out all the legislation you need on patrol along with points to prove, powers of arrest, related cases, and practical considerations
  • Useful appendices at the back of the book contain dates of religious festivals and events, traffic data, a firearms ages chart, and handy contact and web addresses
  • Fully up to date with the latest legislation

Police and Public Order Law
1. Introduction
2. Assaults and Violence
3. Crime: Dishonesty
4. Crime: General
5. Drugs
6. Sexual Assault
7. Public Disorder/Nuisance
8. Firearms, Fireworks, and Weapons
9. Alcohol and Licensing
10. Road Traffic
11. General Patrol
Appendix 1. Human Rights
Appendix 2. Useful Contacts
Appendix 3. Traffic Data - Vehicle Categories and Minimum Ages
Appendix 4. Firearms Offences Relating to Age
Appendix 5. Religious Dates/Events