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International Law and Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780192694348
Published: May 2023
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £75.00
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Following the two world wars of the twentieth century, governments decided to dispose of unwanted chemical weapons in the world's oceans. The deleterious consequences of this decision for the earth's precious marine environment are now becoming clear. As the issue of sea-dumped chemical weapons cannot be contained by borders, we will all have to deal with the adverse effects on our fragile planetary ecosystem. While states have made agreements to address the situation, unresolved international legal issues remain.

International Law and Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons contains a systematic conceptual analysis of the international legal frameworks governing the remediation of sea-dumped chemical weapons. Where deficiencies are found in the law, legal solutions are offered. In addition, practical approaches to the problem are explored.

Furthermore, the book argues that solutions to this environmental hazard rely on a holistic awareness-and acceptance-of how humanity's past actions have damaged our ecosystem. Aiming to bring about the necessary will to overcome this challenge, this volume identifies and analyses the problem, offers guidance, and provides hope to the current and succeeding generations so that we can solve the problem of sea-dumped chemical weapons and restore balance to our ecosystem.

Environmental Law, Public International Law, eBooks
Foreword by Prof. Dr. Frans A. Nelissen
1:Historical and Scientific Background to the Problem of Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons
2:The Ascertainment of the Legal Frameworks Governing Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons: The Chemical Weapons Convention
3:The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Its Potential Applicability to Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons, and Its Conceptual Legal Relationship to the Chemical Weapons Convention
4:The Applicability of Other Legal Instruments to the Remediation of Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons
5:Analysis of How Lacunae in the Applicable Legal Regimes can be Remedied Through Legal Strategies
6:Responsibility for the Remediation of Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons and Possible Legal Liability