Core Text: The Law of Trusts 12th ed (eBook)
ISBN13: 9780192667045
Published: February 2022
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook
Price: £38.45
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The Core Text Series takes the reader straight to the heart of the subject, providing a reliable and invaluable guide for students of law at all levels. Written by leading academics and renowned for their clarity, these concise texts explain the intellectual challenges of each area of the law.
The Law of Trusts provides a concise, yet academically rigorous, textbook that skilfully engages with both controversial and complex issues within the subject. James Penner offers perceptive analysis and original and thought-provoking commentary to give students an excellent grounding in what is considered to be a challenging subject. Drawing on a variety of learning features, including summaries of key issues discussed in each chapter, must-read cases, assessment questions, and carefully selected further reading, this approachable and thorough textbook equips students with the tools they need to engage critically with the subject.
- High quality analysis with clear and efficient explanation of complex concepts gives students an excellent grounding in the law of trusts
- Introduces the controversies surrounding the topic in a thought-provoking way, engaging the reader and giving a good all-round picture of the key issues relating to the subject
- Numerous text features, including chapter summaries, must-read cases, self-assessment questions, further reading lists and a bibliography all ensure this book equips students with the tools they need to consolidate their study
- The lively writing style engages readers and encourages critical and analytical thinking around the subject
Concise and focused, this book condenses a complex subject, concentrates on core principles, and helps students understand the topic, without compromising its academic integrity
- Also available as an e-book with functionality, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support
New to this Edition:
- A comprehensive review of the book has ensured a sharp focus on the core content needed by students
- The structure and chapter order have been fully revised for clarity and to further align with courses on the law of trusts: chapters have been reordered; three new chapters have been added; and the addition of Parts helps to further organise chapters
- Updated with new examples of the application of the law in lower court decisions, for example in developing the new treatments of massively discretionary trusts and bare trusts subject to contractual obligations or agent's instructions