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Legal Problems in Emergency Medicine

ISBN13: 9780192624963
ISBN: 0192624962
Published: June 1997
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £36.49

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All professionals now require a working knowledge of the law relating to their subject. This text offers practical guidance specifically for the doctor, nurse, manager or lawyer faced with legal difficulties arising out of a medical emergency. The first part of the book offers guidance, with examples, for those ""on the spot"" in difficult situations, whilst the second part consists of a condensed but authoritative summary of the various legal topics comprising emergency medicine law. Written in plain language, it makes several complex and difficult areas of the law accessible to the legal layman, yet it does not avoid more complicated issues and is fully referenced so that the truth of each statement can be validated.

Medical Law and Bioethics
Part 1: Practical problems.
1: Avoiding trouble.
2: Department discipline.
3: Obtaining consent.
4: Special patients with special problems.
5: Officialdom.
6: Local difficulties.
7: Writing reports.
8: Going to court.

Part 2: Reference section.
9: The system.
10: Consent.
11: Medical negligence and vicarious liability.
12: Confidentiality.
13: Police powers.
14: Controlled drugs.
15: Mental health law.
