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The Politics of Legislative Debate (eBook)

Edited by: Hanna Back, Marc Debus, Jorge M. Fernandes

ISBN13: 9780192588913
Published: October 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Legislative debates make democracy and representation work. Political actors engage in legislative debates to make their voice heard to voters. Parties use debates to shore up their brand.

This book makes the most comprehensive study of legislative debates thus far, looking at the politics of legislative debates in 33 liberal democracies in Europe, North America and Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Oceania.

The book begins with theoretical chapters focused on the key concepts in the study of legislative debates. Michael Laver, Slapin and Proksch, and Taylor examine the politics of legislative debates in parliamentary and presidential democracies. Subsequently, Goplerud makes a critical review of the methodological challenges in the study of legislative debates. Schwalbach and Rauh further discuss the difficulties in the comparative empirical study of debates. Country-chapters offer a wealth of original material organized around structured sections. Each chapter begins with a details discussion of the institutional design, focusing on the electoral system, legislative organization, and party parties, to which a section on the formal and informal rules of legislative debates ensues. Next, each country chapter focuses on analyzing the determinants of floor access, with a particular emphasis on the role of gender, seniority, legislative party positions, among others. In the concluding chapter, the editors explore comparative patterns and point out to multiple research avenues opened by this edited volume.

Comparative Law, eBooks, Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Drafting
1:The Politics of Legislative Debates: An Introduction
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, and Jorge M. Fernandes
2:Analyzing the politics of legislative debate
Michael Laver
3:Theories and Empirical Applications of Legislative Debate
Jonathan Slapin and Sven-Oliver Proksch
4:Legislative Speech in Presidential Systems
Andrew J. Taylor
5:Methods for Analyzing Parliamentary Debates
Max Goplerud
6:Collecting large-scale comparative text data on legislative debates
Jan Schwalbach and Christian Rauh
7:Legislative Debate in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies
Alejandro Ecker and Martin Soto Payva
8:Legislative Debates in the Australian House of Representatives, Keith Dowding, Patrick Leslie, and Marija Taflaga
9:Legislative Debates in the Austrian Nationalrat
Marcelo Jenny and Wolfgang C. Müller
10:Legislative Debates in the Brazilian Câmara dos Deputados
Fabiano Santos, Fernando Guarnieri, and Nara Salles
11:Legislative Debates in the Canadian House of Commons
Christopher Cochrane, Jean-François Godbout, and Jason Vandenbeukel
12:Legislative Debates in the Chilean Chamber of Deputies
Eduardo Alemán, Juan Pablo Micozzi, and Iñaki Sagarzazu
13:Legislative Debates in the Danish Folketing
David M. Willumsen
14:Legislative Debates in the Ecuadorian Congress
Analía Gómez Vidal and Sebastián Vallejo Vera
15:Legislative Debates in the Estonian Riigikogu
Allan Sikk and Priit Vinkel
16:Legislative Debates in the European Parliament
Miriam Sorace
17:Legislative Debates in the Finnish Eduskunta
Corentin Poyet and Tapio Raunio
18:Legislative Debates in the French Assemblée Nationale
Lennard Alke, Sylvain Brouard, and Olivier Rozenberg
19:Legislative Debates in the German Bundestag
Jochen Müller, Christian Stecker, and Andreas Blätte
20:Legislative Debates in the Parliament of Ghana
Edalina Rodrigues Sanches and António Luís Dias
21:Legislative Debates in the Greek Parliament
Yani Kartalis and Marina Costa Lobo
22:Legislative Debates in the Icelandic Alþingi
Agnar Freyr Helgason, Indriði H. Indriðason, and Gunnar Helgi Kristinsson
23:Legislative Debates in the Irish Dáil
Alexander Herzog, Slava Jankin Mikhaylov, and Liam Weeks
24:Legislative Debates in the Israeli Knesset
Or Tuttnauer and Chen Friedberg
25:Legislative Debates in the Italian Camera dei Deputati
Daniela Giannetti and Andrea Pedrazzani
26:Legislative Debates in the Japanese National Diet
Daniel M. Smith
27:Legislative Debate in the Malawi Parliament
Nikolaos Frantzeskakis, Michael Wahman , and T. Murat Yildirim
28:Legislative Debates in Mexico's Cámara de Diputados
Eric Magar
29:Legislative Debates in the Dutch Tweede
Simon Otjes and Tom Louwerse
30:Legislative Debates in the New Zealand House of Representatives
Moritz Osnabrügge
31:Legislative Debates in the Norwegian Stortinget
Martin G. Søyland and Bjørn Høyland
32:Legislative Debates in the Polish Sejm
Kamil Marcinkiewicz and Michael Jankowski
33:Legislative Debates in the Portuguese Assembleia da República
Jorge M. Fernandes and Miguel Won
34:Legislative Debates in the Spanish Congreso de los Diputados
Joan-Josep Vallbé and Marc Sanjaume
35:Legislative Debates in the Swedish Riksdag
Markus Baumann, Hanna Bäck, and Royce Carroll
36:The Politics of Legislative Debate in Switzerland
Elena Frech, Niels Goet, and Simon Hug
37:Legislative Debates in the Turkish Grand National Assembly
T. Murat Yildirim
38:Legislative Debates in the British House of Commons
Jack Blumenau and Roberta Damiani
39:Legislative Debates in the US Congress
David Gelman and Max Goplerud
40:Unpacking comparative patterns in legislative debates
Hanna Bäck, Marc Debus, and Jorge M. Fernandes