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Judicial Leadership: A New Strategic Approach (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780192564634
Published: June 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £29.59
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We live in an era of economic austerity and political uncertainty. This has profound implications for all areas of publicly funded services; the justice system is no exception. During such times, the judiciary must remain steadfast in maintaining their independence irrespective of any funding model.

Professor Hardy and Sir Ernest Ryder set out a vision for the Justice system that takes a strategic approach to the legal system, explicitly based on national self-interest and commercial effectiveness. They argue that, in striving for such a strategic approach to the justice system, there should not be separate access to justice and business reliance on the Rule of Law, as if they are separate worlds.

The authors advocate an approach enabling access to justice to be efficient as well as effective, evidence based and founded on solid analysis of needs and capabilities. This new strategic approach would therefore be to ensure that the Judiciary, as 'one judiciary' is equipped and skilled as proficiently as it possible and as aligned and as effective in its leadership.

The authors bring unique expertise to the pursuit of 'one judiciary', carefully and thoroughly analysing how such a system would work in theory and in practice. This revolutionary monograph promises to be a defining text in the field of judicial leadership. It is essential reading for all Judicial Office Holders, legal policy makers, legal practitioners and academics, and for all those with an interest in human resources, business and management, psychology, and law.

eBooks, Judiciary
1: Introduction
2: The Organisation of Leadership in the Judiciary
3: Theoretical Perspectives
4: Principles and Practice
5: Approaches to Leadership
6: Developing a New Strategic Approach for the Judiciary
7: Conclusions