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Protectors of Trusts (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780191666759
Published: August 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £95.19
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A protector is a person appointed under the trust instrument given powers in relation to the administration of the trust.

The modern use of protectors came about because settlors of international trusts were concerned about the risks involved in transferring their assets to trustees in distant countries. Protectors are now a common and important feature of trust structures, as used in many international financial centres.

Protectors of Trusts is the ideal first port of call for anyone who needs to know about trust protectors, whether from a contentious or a non-contentious perspective and aims to provide a comprehensive treatment of the subject.

Written by a leading practitioner from New Square Chambers, this title draws together the law of protectors which, like the jurisdictions of the trusts they protect, is found in cases and statutes scattered around the world.

Practical in approach, this book analyses the relevant case law and statutory provisions, and provides detailed guidance on the use of protectors as well as coverage of the disputes which arise from their misuse. This work comprehensively covers the subject, with chapters on appointment and removal of protectors; powers; duties; remuneration and indemnity; liabilities; litigation by and against protectors and on enforcers of non-charitable purpose trusts.

Equity and Trusts, eBooks
1. Introduction
2. What is a Protector?
3. Appointment and Removal
4. Powers
5. The Valid Exercise of Powers by Protectors
6. Powers Commonly Given to Protectors
7. Indemnity and Remuneration
8. Liability
9. Litigation by and against Protectors
10. Enforcers of Purpose Trusts
11. Whose Law is it Anyway?

Appendix 1: Drafting
Appendix 2: Statutory Excerpts
Appendix 3: Gazette of Purpose Trust Legislation