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Legal Aspects of Carbon Trading: Kyoto, Copenhagen and Beyond (eBook)

Edited by: David Freestone, Charlotte Streck

ISBN13: 9780191609916
Published: October 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Since 2005 the carbon market has grown to nearly $100 billion per annum. This new book examines all the main legal issues which are raised by this explosion of what is now called carbon finance. It covers not only the Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms but also the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) that is in the process of reform and other national and voluntary schemes.

The Parties to the 1992 UN Framework Convention are in the process of negotiating a successor regime to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol whose commitment period ends in 2012. As scientists predict that the threat of dangerous climate change requires much more radical mitigation actions, the negotiations aim for a more comprehensive and wide ranging agreement which includes new players - such as the US - as well as taking account of new sources (such as aircraft emissions) and new mechanisms such as Reducing Emissions through Deforestation and Degradation (REDD). This volume will cover the legal aspects of these schemes, including current proposals for US actions.

This volume builds on the success of the editors' previous volume published by OUP in 2005: Legal Aspects of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms: Making Kyoto Work, which remains the standard work of reference for legal practitioners and researchers on carbon finance and trading under the Kyoto Protocol.

Environmental Law, eBooks
I. Introduction
1: David Freestone: UNFCCC/Kyoto regimes/growth of carbon trading/sequestration/Bali road map and post-Kyoto negotiation
II. General Issues
2: Thiago Chagas, Charlotte Streck, Matthieu Wemaere: Legal ownership and nature of allowances and carbon rights
3: Allan Cook: Accounting for Emission Reductions: From Costless Activity to Market Operations
4: Markus Gehring, Marie-Claire Cordonnier Segger: Trade and Investment Implications of Carbon Trading for Sustainable Development
5: Maria Netto, Kai-Uwe Schmidt: Institutional requirements to implement ET: registries
6: Michael Mehling: Linking of Emissions Trading Schemes
7: Jolene Lin: Private Actors in International and Domestic Emissions Trading Schemes
II. The Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms
8: Rutger de Witt Wijnen, Sander Simonetti: International Emissions Trading and Green Investment Schemes
9: Matthias Krey, Heike Santen, Daisuke Hayashi: Trying to catch up with the Executive Board - the challenge of CDM rule interpretation by project developers
10: Axel Michaelowa: Interpreting additionality of CDM projects: Changes in additionality definitions and regulatory practices over time
11: Jelmer Hoogzaad, Charlotte Streck: Joint Implementation: The mechanism of the future
12: Martijn Wilder, Louisa Fitz-Gerald: Carbon contracting
13: Anthony Hobley, Carly Roberts, Jamie Munro: The Practicalities of Contracting JI Transactions
14: Andrew Hedges: The Secondary Market for Emissions Trading: Balancing market design and market based transaction norms
15: Christina Voigt: Responsibility for the Environmental Integrity of the CDM: Judicial Review of Executive Board Decisions
16: Dane Ratliff, hester Brown, Audley Shepard: Dispute Resolution and Compliance Mechanisms
IV. Carbon Trading outside Kyoto: Regional Schemes
17: Markus Pohlman: European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
18: Michael Rodi: Legal implications of the allocation mechanism (competition, state aid, accounting)
19: Navraj Ghaleigh: Litigation against EU ETS
V. Carbon Trading outside Kyoto: National and Sub-National Schemes
20: K. Russell LaMotte, David M. Williamson, Lauren A. Hopkins: Carbon Trading Outside Kyoto: National and Sub-National Schemes Emissions Trading in the US: Legal Issues
21: Kyle Danish Van Ness: Off-set provisions in emerging US climate legislation
22: Martijn Wilder, Louisa Fitz-Gerald: Carbon Markets and Policy in Australia: Recent Developments
23: Gray Taylor, Michael Bennett: Canada's Experience in Emissions Trading and Related Legal Issues
24: Christopher Tung: Carbon law and practice in China
VI. Voluntary Markets
25: Michelle Passero: The Voluntary Carbon Market: Its Growth and Outstanding Legal and Policy Issues
VII. Post Kyoto: Moving towards Copenhagen
26: Murray Ward: Bali Road Map and Copenhagen agenda
27: Jos Cozijnsen, Michael Coren: How carbon finance can stimulate innovation
28: Christiana Figueres, Charlotte Streck: The Future of the CDM in a Post-2012 Climate Agreement
29: Bob O'Sullivan, Rick Saines: Making REDD and Rainforest Protection Work
30: Thiago Chagas, Clayfox Clarke: Aviation and Climate Change Regulation
VIII. Summary and Outlook
31: David Freestone, Charlotte Streck: Summary and Outlook