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Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice (eBook)

Edited by: Antonio Cassese

ISBN13: 9780191021497
Published: January 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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The move to end impunity for human rights atrocities has seen the creation of international and hybrid tribunals and increased prosecutions in domestic courts. The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice is the first major reference work to provide a complete overview of this emerging field.

Its 1200 pages are divided into three sections. In the first part, 21 essays by leading thinkers offer a comprehensive survey of issues and debates surrounding international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and their enforcement. The second part is arranged alphabetically, containing 300 entries on doctrines, procedures, institutions and personalities. The final part contains over 330 case summaries on different trials from international and domestic courts dealing with war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture, and terrorism.

With analysis and commentary on every aspect of international criminal justice, this Companion is designed to be the first port of call for scholars and practitioners interested in current developments in international justice.

  • The only reference work that offers comprehensive coverage of all aspects of international criminal justice
  • The beginning of the first trials at the International Criminal Court give this book real practical significance
  • Combines long and short articles allowing users to pursue a topic from the introductory level through to a more in-depth level
  • Contributions from 120 leading academics, practitioners and judges offer a wide variety of perspectives

International Criminal Law, eBooks
A: Essays on International Criminal Law

Part I. How to Face International Crimes
Collective Violence and International Crimes , A. Cerett
State Responsibility and Criminal Liability of Individuals , A. Bianchi
Alternatives to International Criminal Justice , J. Alvarez

Part II. Main Problems of International Criminal Law
Sources of International Criminal Law , D. Akande
General Principles of International Criminal Law , G. Werle
International Criminalization of Prohibited Conduct - an Overview , P. Gaeta
Gender-related Violence and International Criminal Law and Justice , C. Chinkin
Modes of International Criminal Liability , B. Swart

Part III. The Interplay of International Criminal Law and Other Bodies of Law
Comparative Criminal Law as a Necessary Tool for the Application of International Criminal Law , M. Delmas-Marty
The Influence of the Common Law and Civil Law Traditions on International Criminal Law , G.P. Fletcher
Humanitarian Law and International Criminal Law , M. Sassoli

Part IV. International Criminal Trials
The Rationale for International Criminal Justice , A. Cassese
International Criminal Justice in Historical Perspective: The Tension Between State's Interests and the Pursuit of International Justice , M. Cherif Bassiouni
The ICC as a Turning Point in International Criminal Justice , C. Kress
The ICC and Third States , B.B. Jia
Problematical Features of International Criminal Proceedings , M.R. Damaska
Cooperation of States with International Criminal Tribunals , G. Sluiter
Means of Gathering Evidence and Arresting Suspects in Situations of States' failure to Cooperate , R. Cryer
National v. international Jurisdiction over International Crimes , F. Jessberger
Judicial Activism v. Judicial Restraint in International Criminal Law , S. Zappalà

B: Issues and Personalities in International Criminal Law

C: Cases in International Criminal Law