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U.S. Military Operations: Law, Policy, and Practice

Edited by: Geoffrey S. Corn, Rachel E. van Landingham, Shane R. Reeves

ISBN13: 9780190456634
Published: February 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Paperback
Price: £90.00

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In U.S. Military Operations: Law, Policy, and Practice, a distinguished group of military experts comprehensively analyze how the law is applied during military operations on and off the battlefield.

Subject matter experts offer a unique insiders perspective on how the law is actually implemented in a wide swath of military activities, such as how the law of war applies in the context of multi-state coalition forces, and whether non-governmental organizations involved in quasi-military operations are subject to the same


The book goes on to consider whether U.S. Constitutional 4th Amendment protections apply to the military's cyber-defense measures, how the law guides targeting decisions, and whether United Nations mandates constitute binding rules of international humanitarian law.

Other areas of focus include how the United States interacts with the International Committee of the Red Cross regarding its international legal obligations, and how courts should approach civil claims based on war-related torts. This book also answers questions regarding how the law of armed conflict applies to such extra-conflict acts as intercepting pirates and providing humanitarian relief to civilians in occupied territory.

Public International Law, Other Jurisdictions , USA
Foreword / General Stanley A. McChrystal, U.S. Army, Retired
1. The U.S. Judge Advocate In Contemporary Military Operations: Counsel, Conscience, Advocate, Consigliere, or all of the above? / Renn Gade
2. Modern Weapons And The Law of Armed Conflict / Dave Wallace and Shane R. Reeves
3. Legal Classification Of Military Operations, Geoffrey S. Corn
4. The Jus Ad Bellum, Geoffrey S. Corn
5. Military Cyberspace Operations, Gary Brown, Paul Walker, & Anthony Bell III
6. Targeting And The Law of Armed Conflict, Gary P. Corn, James Dapper & Winston Williams
7. Developing Rules of Engagement: Operationalizing Law, Policy and Military Imperatives At The Strategic Level, Gary P. Corn
8. Tactical Implementation of Rules of Engagement In A Multinational Force Reality, Jody M. Prescott
9. Detention Operations: A Strategic View, Sandra L. Hodgkinson
10. Detention Operations At The Tactical And Operational Levels: A Procedural Approach, Jeffrey Bovarnick & Jack Vrett
11. Multinational Operations, Richard C. Gross & Ian Henderson
12. Modern U.S. Military Operations And The International Committee of the Red Cross: The Department Of Defense's Unique Relationship With The Guardian Of International Humanitarian Law, Rachel E. VanLandingham
13. Environmental Law In Military Operations, Mark P. Nevitt
14. Soldiers In Combat And Military Justice, Charles N. Pede
15. Operational Claims, Jim Barkei
16. Intelligence Law, Richard M. Whitaker
17. Legal Issues in Special Operations, Matthew R. Grant & Todd C. Huntley
18. Medical Operations, Geoffrey S. Corn
19. Belligerent Occupation, Marc Warren
20. United Nations Peace Operations: Creating Space for Peace, Chris Jenks
21. Maritime Interdiction Operations, Stephanie Smart
22. Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Issues and Implications For National Security Lawyers, Todd W. Pennington
23. Defense Support Of Civil Authorities Responding to Natural and Man-Made Disasters, Kevin H. Govern