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The History and Growth of Judicial Review, Volume 1: The G-20 Common Law Countries and Israel

ISBN13: 9780190075774
Published: September 2021
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £94.00

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This two-volume set examines the origins and growth of judicial review in the key G-20 constitutional democracies, which include the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, India, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Mexico, and the European Union, as well as Israel. The volumes consider five different theories, which help to explain the origins of judicial review, and identify which theories apply best in the various countries discussed. They consider not only what gives rise to judicial review originally, but also what causes of judicial review lead it to become more powerful and prominent over time. Volume One discusses the G-20 common law countries and Israel.

Judicial Review
Chapter 1. The Common Law Legal Tradition
Chapter 3. The Privy Council: The Umpire of the British Empire
Chapter 4. The United States: The King in Council; the Founding; the Reconstruction Amendments; and the Progressive Era Amendments
Chapter 5. Canada: From Privy Council to Supreme Court
Chapter 6. The Commonwealth of Australia: Umpiring Without a Bill of Rights
Chapter 7. The Union of India: Umpiring and Rights from Wrongs
Chapter 8. The State of Israel
Chapter 9. The Republic of South Africa
Chapter 10. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Borrowing Second Look Judicial Review From Canada