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Like Men Betrayed

ISBN13: 9780140092684
ISBN: 0140092684
Published: November 1988
Publisher: Penguin Books
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 1953)
Price: Out of print

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To his son Kit, Christopher Kennet, a solicitor, is merely a remote anachronism. A young man in a hurry to make money, Kit frequents a different London from the clubland London of his father. A city of late-night cafes, pimps, tarts, Woodbine smokers, fat, wistful poets and shady dealers who, unexpectedly, turn out to have a foot in both worlds.

Sinister thriller; portrait of England, story of a violent, poignant reconciliation between father and son - Like Men Betrayed is brilliant early Mortimer and one of the great rediscoveries of Fifties fiction.

The rural England of Like Men Betrayed will be familiar to readers of John Mortimer's recent. bestseller, Paradise Posponed. The London of the novel, on theother hand, will be new, at least to the young ... Here is sleazy Paddington and dusty Chelsea of the Fifties reported at the time and on the spot. It is first-hand, first-rate stuff Punch