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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Architect's Legal Pocket Book 2nd isbn 9781138821446

Architect's Legal Pocket Book

ISBN13: 9780080966038
New Edition ISBN: 9781138821446
Published: May 2011
Publisher: Architectural Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This is a little book that's big on information. "The Architect's Legal Pocket Book" is the definitive pocket reference guide on legal issues for architects and architectural students. This handy pocket book provides key legal principles and the latest legal developments that will help you quickly understand the law and where to go for further information. This book covers a wide range of subjects focused on the UK including building legislation and the Localism Bill, negligence, liability, planning policy and development, listed buildings, party wall legislation and rights of light. Illustrated with clear diagrams and featuring key cases, this pocket book is an invaluable source of practical information and a comprehensive guide of the current law for architects. "The Architect's Legal Pocket Book" is written in a format that has already proved hugely popular throughout the construction industry and is a book no architect should be without. Matthew Cousins is a practicing architect and member of the Royal Institute of British Architects. He is an established author with a Diploma in Law from City University. This title includes clear and concise presentation of information that saves readers valuable time and effort . It is up to date with the latest information on UK law and other legal developments.