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Advocates of the Golden Age: Their Lives and Cases

ISSN: 4125-4125
Published: June 1958
Publisher: John Long
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

Here within the covers of a single book are the highlights of the careers of four of the greatest lawyers who ever pleaded at the English bar : Marshall Hall, Edward Carson, Rufus Isaacs, and F. E. Smith; advocates of a character that has no counterpart today.

This study in the art of advocacy ranges over the celebrated trials of what the author terms the golden age of advocacy. Many of the leading cases in which these eminent lawyers were engaged are told from a new standpoint -as examples of the achievements of counsel pleading at the bar.

Marshall Hall was the great defender without whom no murder trial seemed complete. The dramatic interest of his life was comparable to that of his own cases.

Edward Carson Irishman and wit, accomplished the downfall of Oscar Wilde and was the champion in real life of the "Winslow Boy".

Rufus Isaacs starting life as a ship's boy, hammered on the Stock Exchange, rose to be Viceroy of India. It was he who exposed Seddon, the poisoner, and Whitaker Wright, the financier.

F. E. Smith youngest K.C. at the bar, rose to become, as Lord Birkenhead, the youngest Lord Chancellor to occupy the Woolsack.

Here then are conveyed the passionate zeal of Marshall Hall, carson's force in cross-examination, the rivalry between him and Isaacs, and the masterly judgements of Birkenhead (F.E.Smith), in a book that seeks to recapture for a new generation the spirit of the golden age of British advocacy.

Advocacy, Trials, Advocates (Out of Print), Advocacy (Out of Print)
Author's Introduction
The Golden Age of Advocacy
Edward Marshall Hall
A Tragic Opening
Trials That Brought Fame
To The Brink of Ruin
The Artist in the Dock
The Great Defender
The Green Bicycle Mystery
The Case of the Shot Egyptian
Years of Triumph
Edward Carson
One of the Forty Thieves
Coercion Carson
A Junior in London
Duel with Oscar Wilde
A Bigamist Peer and a Traitor
Murder by Antimony: Alaska
The Perjured Detectives
Better Than Office
The Case of the Winslow Boy
The Bench at Last
Rufus Issacs
Ships Boy to Barrister
Fall of Whitaker Wright
Issacs vs Carson
Seddon Exposed
The Marconi Scandal
Judge: Ambassador: Viceroy
F. E. Smith
Glittering Prizes
Success from Guinea Gold
Fame in a Maiden Speech
Defence of Miss Le Neve
Echoes of Marconi and Wilde
The Trial of Roger Casement
The Woolsack
Archdeacon Wakeford
Bar Against Peeresses
The Final Judgement