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Principles of Company Law 5th ed

ISBN13: 004990
ISBN: 004990
Published: November 1919
Publisher: Butterworth & Co
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Preface to The Seventh Edition

The Companies Act, 1929, does a great deal more than consolidate the existing law, since it incorporates the Companies Act, 1928, which contained some two hundred alterations or amendments.

Many of these are matters of detail which do not affect the principles of company law, but there are also numerous changes of very great importance in every branch of company law, and an endeavour has been made in this Edition to introduce these in their appropriate context throughout the book.

A comparative table of sections and of the clauses of Table A is set out in the Appendix, so as to enable the reader to trace the provisions with which he has become familiar in the Act of 1908 into the new Act.

The author is much indebted to his friend, Mr. A. E. Taylour of Lincoln's Inn, for his assistance in the preparation of this volume.

A. F. T.
5 New Square
Lincoln's Inn
June 1929

Company Law