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The Law of Rights of Light 2nd ed

 Jonathan Karas

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
An Outline of the Law of Evidence 2nd ed isbn 9780406570611

An Outline of the Law of Evidence 1st ed

ISBN13: 004935
ISBN: 004935
New Edition ISBN: 0406570612
Published: July 1964
Publisher: Butterworth & Co
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

Specially prepared to meet the needs of all students who require a knowledge of the Law of Evidence, this new book explains and clarifies in concise form the complicated rules which govern this important subject.

Written in the form of article and explanation and dispensing with inessential references to academic literature and decisions from other jurisdictions, the book provides a straightforward account of the law in a manner eminently suited to the needs of those taking examinations on evidence.

The book is particularly intended for the use of those Bar and University students who want a concise yet comprehensive work which will provide them with the essentials of the subject, but the authors have also borne in mind the requirements of those studying for the police promotion examinations, for whose benefit they have included, for example, the new Judges' Rules.
