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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
A Second Miscellany-at-Law: A Further Diversion for Lawyers and Others isbn 9780420443908

A Second Miscellany-at-Law: A Further Diversion for Lawyers and Others

ISBN13: 004868
ISBN: 004868
New Edition ISBN: 0420443908
Published: June 1973
Publisher: Stevens & Sons Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

....from the Preface
Miscellany-at-Law was first published in 1955. It sought to include not only wise and witty sayings of the judges but also curiosities of lawyers and the law

....The Preface of Miscellany-at-Law included a frank confession of my ignorance of much that ought to have been included, particularly from overseas jurisdictions: and I uttered a gentle prayer that those who know better would lighten my darkness, The bounteous response was surprising as it was pleasant. With this rich harvest coupled with material for which I had found no convenient home in the book and the fruits of further researches and accidental discoveries of my own, there was enough matter ....for this further volume.

Over the last decade there have been many inquiries whether and when a new edition of Miscellany would appear. I should accordingly make it explicit that this is no new edition of Miscellany 1, but an entirely new book: only on rare occasions and for good cause does it repeat anything contained in Miscellany 1. the two books are, however, intended to be uniform, and most of what is said in the Preface to Miscellany 1 applies equally to this book.