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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Fifty Forensic Fables by 'O' isbn 004371

Final Forensic Fables: Second Series by 'O'

ISBN13: 004858
ISBN: 004858
New Edition ISBN: 004371
Previous Edition ISBN: 004857
Published: August 1932
Publisher: Butterworth & Co
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback Pocketbook
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

Forensic Fables appeared first in the Law Journal and then in book form between 1926 and 1932. They were published anonymously, but their authorship was quickly guessed.

The literary style and the pictorial delineation were alike unmistakable. They were the work of Theo Mathew composed in his study on the ground floor at the back of 31 Cornwall Gardens. They show his wit in all its maturity

This volume is offered to the public with an apology; for its production violates an undertaking, given in the Preface, that Final Forensic Fables (1929) was to have no successor. The responsibility for this breach of faith must be shared between the author and the proprietors of the Law Journal who encouraged him to begin again.

As to Final Forensic Fables it may be mentioned that " The Experienced Judge, the Running Down Case, and the Law Relating to Contributory Negligence" has been referred to in the Court of Appeal (see Swadling v. Cooper, 46 T.L.R. at p. 74) ; and that the imaginary incidents of that Fable proved to be an accurate forecast of coming events (see Service v. Sundell, 46 T.L.R. 12, and Hargrove v. Burn, 46 T.L.R. 59).

Seven years have gone by since the first of the Fables was composed, and there is no danger that the above undertaking (now repeated) will again be broken.

Legal Humour, Legal Humour (Out of Print)
Publishing History
1926: Forensic Fables
1928: Further Forensic Fables
1929: Final Forensic Fables
1932: Final forensic Fables (Second Series);