Out of Print
A remarkable collection of narratives describing personal fights between man and man, sometimes between man and beast.
The whirlwind combats of Vikings; the staunch bravery of the Romans; the chivalry of the Middle Ages; the science and rapidity of modern pugilistics - all find their place in this volume. It may be called, indeed, the Golden Book of Courage and Valour.
Publishers Note Some explanation is called for by the appearance of this book more than a year after the Earl of Birkenhead's death. Among his literary remains was found a number of papers and notes relating to books he had in mind to produce.
Many of these were jottings of facts and references but Fifty Famous Fights was so far completed as to have the preface already written, and selections made; nothing remained to be done but to gather the material from the sources indicated and this has now been acomplished.