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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Daniell's Chancery Practice 8th ed isbn 9780421351806

Daniell's Chancery Practice 8th ed

ISBN13: 004688
ISBN: 004688
New Edition ISBN: 0421351802
Published: May 1914
Publisher: Stevens & Sons Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

Being a Treatise on
The Practice of the Chancery Division
And on Appeal Therefrom

The present edition of this Work has been brought down to December, 1913 and by Addenda to March, 1914 and includes the reported cases for the latter month and the Rules of the Supreme Court (Poor Persons), 1914, the latter being of considerable importance, especuially to solicitors.

The contemporaneous publication of a new edition of the companion volume of Daniell's Chancery Forms 6th ed has enabled the Editors to make constant reference to this important work, and so to add to the usefulness of this Eition of the Practice.

Many important statutes have been passed since the last edition was published, such as the Trade Marks Act 1905 the Public Trustee Act 1906 the Patents and Designs Act 1907 the Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908 and the Copyright Act 1911. These have involved many, and in some cases very extensive alterations and additions in the present work.

In addition to the changes made by legislation some important changes in the practice of the Chancery Division have taken place since the last edition. In particular may be noted the Supreme Court Funds Rules 1905 the Rules relating to Proceedings by Poor Persons and R.S.C. August 1913 with regard to payment into Court &c.

In addition to the Table of Cases and Table of Statutes a Table of Rules and Orders is now for the first time added, and this it is hopes will be found of considerable use in facilitating reference to the Rules of the Supreme Court.

The Editors desire to gratefully acknowledge valuable assistance rendered by Mr Richard White, a Master of the Supreme Court and Editor of Daniell's Chancery Forms who has read the first proofs of the chapter on Proceedings in Judges' Chambers and made many important suggestions; by Mr Charles John Stewart, the Public Trustee; and by Mr H. G. Garrett, of the Chancery Registrar's Office.

March, 1914

Courts and Procedure
Volume 1
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Table of Orders and Rules
1. Introductory
2. Persons who May Sue and be Sued
3. Parties to Proceedings
4. Proceedings on the Part of the Plaintiff Previous to the Issue of the Writ of Summons
5. The Writ of Summons
6. Appearance and Proceedings in Default of Appearance
7. Proceedings After Appearance and Before Pleadings
8. The Pleadings in an Action
9. Proceedure on Default of Pleadings
10. Discontinuance and Withdrawal of Claim or Defence
11. Accounts and Inquiries and Issue of Fact
12. Evidence
13. Discovery
14. Trial of Action and Issues Therein
15. Judgements and Orders
16. Proceedings in Judge's Chambers
17. The Further Consideration of Actions
Volume 2
18. Costs
19. Appeals
20. Proceedings in Particular Actions
21. Petition of Right
22. Motions and Petitions
23. Injunctions and Restraining Orders, and Orders and Notices
24. Action of Mandamus
25. The Writ of Prohibition
26. The Writ of Ne Exeat Regno and Arrest of Absconding Debtors
27. Receivers
28. Funds in Court and Dealing Therewith and Judgements and Orders Relating Thereto
29. Interim Detention and Preservation and Inspection of Property
30. Ascertainment of Foreign Law
31. Consolidation and Test Actions, Transfers and Removal of Actions and Proceedings
32. Security for Costs
33. Staying Provisions and Dismissing Actions Otherwise than at the Trial
34. Special Case
35. Solicitors
36. Statutory Jurisdiction