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Unjust Enrichment and Countervailing Obligations

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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Uncommon Law: Being 66 Misleading Cases Revised and Collected in One Volume isbn 9780416165906

Uncommon Law: Being 66 Misleading Cases Revised and Collected in One Volume

ISBN13: 004212
ISBN: 004212
New Edition ISBN: 0416165907
Published: November 1935
Publisher: Methuen & Co. Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print

....Being sixty-six Misleading Cases revised and collected in one volume, including ten cases not published before

Uncommon Law is a collection of his finest, most peculiar, most comical cases and includes such unlikely trials as 'What is a Motor-Car?', 'The Negotiable Cow' and 'Is Laughter Illegal?'.

Amidst the laughter and incredulity, A P Herbert takes a fair few sideswipes at the absurdities of the English law.

Most of these cases were originally reported in the pages of Punch, to the Proprietors of which paper I render thanks for their courtesy in permitting me to reprint them.

-I wish to thank also Mr. E. S. P. Haynes, Mr. H. G Strauss, Mr. George Bull, and other legal friends who have generously assisted me with advice and information on the rare points of law with which I was not familiar.

Legal Humour