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The History of Wilde Sapte 1785-1985 with Some Account of the Wilde Family

ISBN13: 004081
ISBN: 004081
Published: June 1985
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

Throughout the period from 1785 to 1985 Wilde Sapte have practised continuously as solicitors in the City of London. Very few firms can be older; even fewer can have a history as absorbing.

These pages recount that history from the founding of the firm by Thomas Wilde in 1785, through the second generation of the Wilde family when John Wilde became Judge Advocate of New South Wales and later Chief Justice of the Cape of Good Hope, Thomas Wilde became Lord Chief Justice and then Lord Chancellor of England, and Edward Archer Wilde continued and developed his father's practice.

In all, five generations of the Wilde family were partners in the firm, during a period in which connections were forged with a number of institutions which remain clients and friends to this day.