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The Romance of Lincoln's Inn Fields and Its Neighbourhood

ISBN13: 003035
ISBN: 003035
Published: September 1932
Publisher: The Richards Press Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

In this book the author has endeavoured to reconstruct the past annals of an area which is second to none in interest and which has numbered among its residents many of the most notable men and women of three centuries and more.

Lincoln's Inn Fields, with its innumerable memories, forms the clou of that portion of London embraced between Holborn and the Strand, Drury Lane and Chancery Lane. Few parts of the metropolis have undergone such drastic reconstruction. The erection of the Law Courts, the obliteration of Clare Market and its purlieus, the formation of Kingsway and Aldwych, to say nothing of minor changes, have completely changed much of its appearance.

But this neighbourhood, originally open fields and then a fashionable dwelling-place, is still capable, in spite of time and the house-breaker, of exhibiting much that is dear to the lover of old London and fascinating to the architect and the artist.