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Commons, Forrests and Footpaths. The Story of the Battle During the Last Forty-five Years for Public Rights Over the Commons, Forests and Footpaths of England and Wales.

ISBN13: 000731
ISBN: 000731
Published: January 1910
Publisher: Cassell and Company, Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

...from the Preface
The greater part of the following work is a reprint, revised and extended, of a book which I published in 1894 under the title of English Commons and Forests in which I gave an account of the battle since 1865 for the preservation of the Common lands and Forests of England and Wales.
August 15th, 1910

105 years after this volume was produced England now enjoys a partial "Right to Roam". Eversley [Baron] was Sir John George Shaw-Lefevre (depicted in a Vanity Fair Cartoon of 1.7. 1871) who lived from1831-1929. xxiv + 356p.and was the founder of the Commons Preservation Society.
