Practical Lending and Security Precedents Looseleaf (CBR Only)
Latest Release: December 09, 2024
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 2 Volumes
Price: Price on Application
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go
From standard provisions in modern mortgages to substantial syndicated term loans, all the essential documents needed to prepare loan and finance agreements are set out in Practical Lending and Security Precedents. With its clear commentary and expertly drafted documents, the work covers loan and finance agreements for a wide range of commercial transactions, including acquisition finance, trade finance, working capital, project development and refinancing and workouts.
The precedents themselves are complete documents and include both definitions and boilerplate clauses. The accompanying commentary explains the different clauses and what they achieve.
- Contains valuable checklists of matters to be considered when entering into lending and security agreements, together with precedents for minutes and resolutions.
- The various precedents are put in context, explaining how the relevant law is applied with coverage of banking, company or tax law, and what the user should be aware of when using the precedents.
- The full text of the precedents is now also available on disk in Word format to enable speedy drafting of documents without the need to rekey.
Subscription Information: 4-5 updating releases per year, charged separately on publication.