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World Arbitration Reporter Online

Publisher: Juris Net Llc
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Online
Price: Price on Application
Subscription Type: Annual Subscription


    The definitive encyclopedia and comprehensive reference work of international arbitration law and practice.

      WAR provides you with:

      • Detailed commentary and analysis on legislation from over 100 countries
      • The rules of procedure of more than 100 international and national arbitral institutions and the leading international arbitration treaties and agreements
      • Commentary and analysis by more than 100 internationally renowned experts from leading law firms, arbitration institutions, and universities on arbitration law and practice, major international treaties and the rules and practices of major domestic and international institutions
      Simply put, WAR is the definitive comprehensive encyclopedia and reference work of international arbitration law and practice. As Arbitration International, the Journal of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), had this to say about the initial launch of the first two volumes of the original World Arbitration Reporter:
    "The two volumes are exceptionally well edited and provide an impressive range of coverage. If the . . . [other] volumes are in content, editorship and production as good as the two here reviewed, the global series of volumes will prove a most remarkable achievement and a priceless contribution." -Arbitration International, (1989 Volume 5 Issue 3) pp. 275 - 276
The World Arbitration Reporter, Second Edition is even bigger and better! About the World Arbitration Reporter: This respected treatise provides unparalleled guidance to one of today's most complex and diverse areas of legal practice, international arbitration. Extensively revised and updated by leading authorities in the field, the World Arbitration Reporter (WAR) is the only integrated reference work containing detailed commentary and analysis on national legislation from more than 100 countries as well as information on the rules of procedure of more than 100 international and national arbitral institutions and the leading international arbitration treaties and agreements. This second edition brings together the work of more than 100 internationally renowned experts who have prepared thousands of pages of commentary and analysis, consisting of either reports of national law and practice, or reports on the rules and practice of major domestic and international institutions and concise analyses of major international treaties. The reports are authoritative but accessible, up-to-date and comprehensive. A must for practitioners and scholars alike, WAR is a necessary and required work for every party that has an interest in international arbitration. This second edition of WAR is under the general editorship of Professor Loukas Mistelis, the Clive M Schmitthoff Professor of Transnational Commercial Law and Arbitration at Queen Mary, University of London, and Laurence Shore, a dual U.S./U.K. qualified Partner in the New York office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher and Co-Chair of the firm's International Arbitration Practice Group. In addition, there are two specialist editors, Stavros Brekoulakis who is responsible for arbitration institutions and Monique Sasson who is responsible for international treaties. The team is assisted by a team of researchers and editors at the School of International Arbitration at Queen Mary University of London. Contributors are drawn from major law firms, arbitration institutions and universities from all over the world. WAR – Second Edition is divided into the following sections comprehensive sections on:
    About the Contents of the World Arbitration Reporter:
  • National Arbitration Country Reports – Volume 1, 1A, and 1B Almost every country now has domestic arbitration laws. Even if a nation is a signatory to an international convention, domestic law affects the conduct of arbitration within that country and, to a lesser extent, the enforceability of a foreign award. This is the only resource to provide and compile the full text of laws (Appendices) from more than 100 countries and to also include such an extensive array of commentary and analysis on arbitration law and practice from around the world.

  • National Arbitration Institutions – Volume 2 As national arbitration institutions have proliferated and grown, they are more and more frequently being named in international agreements. This section covers the full text of each institution’s rules and provides extensive commentary and analysis on each institution and its rules in practice.
  • International Arbitration Institutions – Volume 3 International arbitration institutions have led the way in rulemaking for international commercial arbitration. The institutional rules and commentary compiled in this easy-to-use reference are those promulgated by the institutions most often named in international agreements. This is the only resource to compile such an extensive array of commentary and analysis along with the full text of each set of rules.
  • International Arbitration Treaties, Bilateral and Regional Agreements – Volume 4 Treaties protect the integrity of international arbitration by ensuring that signatory countries can depend on recognition, confirmation, execution and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. A country’s ability to do business with the international investment community may well depend on whether they have acceded to a particular convention. This section provides the full text of the major treaties (including bilateral and regional agreements) used in practice along with extensive commentary and analysis by leading authorities.