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The Law of the Air 3rd ed

Published: June 1964
Publisher: Stevens & Sons Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

McNair aims to present a convenient and practical study of all those parts of English law which are concerned with aircraft and the user of air space, together with a review of the background international law against which these developments have taken place.

Based upon lectures which Lord McNair delivered in Chicago and Calcutta in 1931, the first edition, in 1932, began the evolution into a textbook. This process was carried on in 1953 with the publication of the second edition, which confirmed the reputation of the work as the standard text-book on its subject. This third edition will maintain its pre-eminent position for use in practice, for teaching and for research.

The book has been revised and re-arranged throughout so as to provide a fuller and clearer consideration of its subject and greater ease of reference. There is a completely new chapter dealing with the Carriage by Air Act, 1961, and the Carriage by Air (Supplementary Provisions) Act, 1962, which came into force as recently as May 1st, 1964. Thus all aspects of the implementation of the Warsaw Convention are dealt with.

The introductory chapters have been re-written and they now include a section dealing with the law on outer space; a fast developing topic. The chapters on insurance and charterparties have been re-written so as to provide a practical manual on these vitally important commercial transactions. Many new references to American case law have been included and extensive reference is made to the considerable body of material which has appeared in learned journals and periodicals.

The Editors of this third edition have again had the advantage of the counsel of Lord McNair and, founded upon his far sighted material as developed by editors experienced in practice and teaching, this third edition will continue to provide a foundation for the study of air law for students, operators and businessmen alike.

Price in U.K.
£6 17s. 6d. net