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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Land Registration Manual 3rd ed isbn 9780854902491

Land Registration Manual 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780854901296
New Edition ISBN: 9780854902491
Previous Edition ISBN: 1898899665
Published: November 2013
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

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Written by an author who has extensive experience in private practice, the Land Registry, and the academic sector, and is current joint author of Ruoff & Roper – Registered Conveyancing, Land Registration Manual is a concise but authoritative source of technical and practical advice on all matters relating to registered land and interests affecting it.

The book’s alphabetical (A to Z) approach allows practitioners to zoom in on the specific topic they are dealing with, knowing that the book will provide useful background commentary, along with clear guidance on the form and content of relevant Land Registry applications, which are specific to that topic.

The topics are geared to aspects of day–to-day practice rather than areas of law as such – making it easy to use and more relevant to busy practitioners, enabling you to come up with the answer(s) you need, rather than trying to ‘fit’ your practical problem into one or more broad sections of a book.

Land Registration Manual covers not only the usual subjects, but also many less frequently encountered topics which are often not covered elsewhere. Thus its coverage extends not only from transfers to leases, but from bare trusts to franchises; options to powers of attorney; and chancel repair to embankments and sea walls.

Each topic contains accurate commentary to aid understanding and clear guidance on the relevant applications which may need to be made to complete a transaction or protect a client’s interests. This makes the book an invaluable ‘one-stop’ source of guidance for busy practitioners, from partners through to paralegals, and for students through to academics.

  • Now fully updated, to take account of all the changes in land registration law and practice
  • Includes Appendices containing all the current versions of the standard form restrictions and the prescribed lease clauses, along with a list of Land Registry forms and other useful information
  • Self-contained topics, each containing details of how to make relevant types of application – thus reducing ‘cross-referencing’ to a minimum.

Conveyancing, Property Law, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill
Access to neighbouring land orders
Accretion and diluvion
Address for service
Adjudicator to HM Land Registry
Administrators of a company
Administrative receivers
Adverse possession
Agreement for lease
Agreement for mortgage
Agreement to pay further consideration
Alteration of the register
Amalgamation of registered titles
Assets of community value

Bare trusts
Bona vacantia and escheat
Bulk applications

Cautions against conversion
Cautions against dealings
Cautions against first registration
Chancel repair
Change of name
Charging orders
Church of England
Classes of title
Collective enfranchisement
Compulsory purchase
Constructive, resulting and other implied trusts
Contracts for sale (including sub-sale)
Correction of mistakes in an application or accompanying document
Credit unions

Day list
Death of applicant for registration
Death of a registered proprietor
Deeds amending dispositions of registered titles
Deeds of arrangement
Developing estates
Demesne land
Division of registered titles

Electronic services
Embankments or sea or river walls
Enlargement of long leases
Equitable charges
Equitable easements
Equitable interests
Estate, right or interest
European Economic Interest Groupings
European Groupings of Territorial Co-operation
Exclusive use

First registration
Floating charges
Flying freeholds
Foreign law
Fraud or forgery
Freezing orders, restraint orders and interim receiving orders
Friendly societies


Historical information
Home rights
Housing action trusts
Housing associations

Identity evidence
Implied covenants
Indemnity covenants
Individual voluntary arrangements
Industrial and provident societies
Inheritance tax
Internal waters

Joint proprietors

Land Registry
Land Registry Act 1862
Leasehold enfranchisement
Legal aid
Legal charges
Legal easements
Legal estates
Legal interests
Limited liability partnerships
Limited owner’s charge
Limited partnerships
Local land charges
Lost or destroyed title deeds

Mental incapacity
Mere equities
Mines and minerals
Mortgage cautions

Notices of deposit

Official copies and inspection
Official searches
Official searches of the index
Outline applications
Overriding interests
Overseas insolvency proceedings

Party Wall etc Act 1996
Pending land actions
Personal representatives
Positive covenants
Powers of attorney
Profits à prendre
Proper office
Property adjustment orders
Proprietary estoppel
Public authority certificates of title
Public-private partnership Leases Relating to Transport in London

Receivers appointed under the Law of Property Act 1925
Receivers appointed by order of the court
Registered social landlords and private registered providers
Requisition, rejection and cancellation policy
Restrictive covenants
Retention and return of documents
Right to buy and right to acquire under the Housing Acts
Right to manage companies
Rights of light and air
Rights of pre-emption
Rights of reverter

Scheme titles
Severance of a beneficial joint tenancy
Shared ownership leases
Souvenir land
Special powers of appointment
Sporting rights
Statements of truth
Stamp duty land tax
Statutory charges
Statutory vesting

Time share
Title information document
Town or village greens
Trusts of land

Unincorporated associations
Upgrade of class of title

Vendor’s liens

Writs or orders affecting land

I HM Land Registry Offices
II List of Forms
III Land Registration Rules 2003, Schedule 1A: Prescribed Clauses LR1 to LR14
IV Land Registration Rules 2003, Schedule 4: Standard Forms of Restriction;
V Land Registration Rules 2003, Schedule 3: Forms Referred to in Rule 26
VI Land Registration Rules 2003, Schedule 9: Forms of Execution
VII Land Registration Fee Order 2012