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Aquinas and the Supreme Court: Biblical Narratives of Jews, Gentiles and Gender (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781118397176
Published: April 2013
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Country of Publication: USA
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This new work clarifies Aquinas' concept of natural law through his biblical commentaries, and explores its applications to U.S. constitutional law. Whether one finds the use of extra-judicial sources in Supreme Court decisions advisable or alarming, it renders the medieval Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas of more than historical interest.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
Note List of Abbreviations
1. Aquinas on the Supreme Court -- and on the Bible, or How to Read This Book
Part I Aquinas on the Failure of Natural Law
2. What Aquinas Thinks We Cannot Know
3. How God Moves Creatures: For and Against Natural Law
4. How Aquinas Reads Scripture
5. How the Law of Nature Is a Character in Decline
6. How the Narrative Sexualizes Nature's Decline
Part II Aquinas on the Redemption of Natural Law
7. How Aquinas Gets Nature and Grace Back Together Again: Aquinas Meets Karl Barth
8. How Faith and Reason Follow Glory
9. How Aquinas Makes Nature Dynamic All the Way Down: Aquinas Meets Judith Butler
10. How the Spirit Moves the Law
11. How Natural Science Becomes a Form of Prayer
12. How the Semen of the Spirit Genders the Gentiles: Rereading Romans Conclusion: Questions Answered and Unanswered