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Ransomware and Cybercrime

ISBN13: 9781032235509
Published: July 2022
Publisher: CRC Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £29.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781032235493

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In May 2021, Jim Gosler, known as the Godfather and commander of US agencies’ cyber offensive capability, said, ''Either the Intelligence Community (IC) would grow and adapt, or the Internet would eat us alive.'' Mr Gosler was speaking at his retirement only several months before the terrorist attacks of 9/11. He possibly did not realise the catalyst or the tsunami that he and his tens of thousands of US IC offensive website operatives had created and commenced.

Over the last two decades, what Mr Gosler and his army of Internet keyboard warriors created would become the modus operandi for every faceless, nameless, state-sponsored or individual cybercriminal to replicate against an unwary, ill-protected, and ignorant group of executives and security professionals who knew little to nothing about the clandestine methods of infiltration and weaponisation of the Internet that the US and UK agencies led, all in the name of security.

This book covers many cyber and ransomware attacks and events, including how we have gotten to the point of massive digital utilisation, particularly during the global lockdown and COVID-19 pandemic, to online spending that will see twice the monetary amount lost to cybercrime than what is spent online.

There is little to no attribution, and with the IC themselves suffering cyberattacks, they are all blamed on being sophisticated ones, of course. We are witnessing the undermining of our entire way of life, our economies, and even our liberties. The IC has lots to answer for and unequivocally created the disastrous situation we are currently in. They currently have little to no answer. We need—no, we must demand—change. That change must start by ensuring the Internet and all connections to it are secure and no longer allow easy access and exfiltration for both the ICs and cybercriminals.

Criminal Law, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Stuxnet to Sunburst, Ransomware developments
Not Secure, F&0 (title of third book)
Salting the Battlefield
Colonial Pipeline and CNI
Cyber Insurance, CNA and others
EasyJet and the travel Industry
The Insecure Judicial system
Deterrence Theory
The Security of Insecurity
Bring on the Digital Fat Man
Survivorship Bias
Air India Ransomware Faux Pas
Common website and webservers attacks
The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
CWE Mitre and the Ransom Task Force
CNI, The Collapse of a Nation
US State attacks
Conflicts of Interest
Innovation & Disbelief
Blackbaud, Cyberattacks and Class Actions
The World’s largest Global economic shift
Setting Goals too low, and achieving them…
Avoiding the Apocalypse
If a clever person learns from their mistakes, a wise perso