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Moral Damages under International Investment Law: The Path Towards Convergence (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789403540436
Published: November 2021
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £162.00
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Moral Damages under International Investment Law is a well-timed pioneering book seeking to rectify the unfairness and injustice that flows from the difference in treatment of material and moral damages claims by offering an exhaustive analysis of the underlying rules and principles of international law relating to moral damages claims, intending to consider the appropriateness and possibility of convergence of the various sub-disciplines or branches of international law (e.g., international investment law and international human rights law) to preserve and protect the coherence, uniformity and stability of the international legal order. The much-discussed fragmentation of international law, which most clearly manifests in the stand-alone nature of the investor-state dispute settlement regime, has produced the unfortunate side effect of an intense focus on material damages claims, to the detriment of moral damages claims.

What’s in this book:

The book elucidates the following key issues:

  • who should be entitled to seek moral damages
  • the legal test to determining moral damages claims, in respect of both substantive and evidential issues
  • applicability and scope of the theory of corrective justice in moral damages claims
  • the victim status of natural persons, corporations, and investors’ employees in investor-state disputes
  • quantification of moral damages
  • what the precise nature of the compensation ought to be, and
  • role of the theory of law and economics in the context of moral damages claims

Decisions of international human rights courts, insofar as concerning moral damages, are scrutinised to evaluate and compare the pertinence of the stance taken by international investment tribunals.

How this will help you:

This trailblazing book furnishes in depth the answer to the vital question of whether and under which circumstances international investment tribunals should have jurisdiction to award moral damages and also the remedies available and the quantification exercise guiding compensation. This analytical book will be highly appreciated by practitioners and academics keen to upgrade their knowledge and understanding of the rules and principles applicable to moral damages claims under international investment law.

Public International Law, eBooks
List of Abbreviations
CHAPTER 1. Introduction
CHAPTER 2. Jurisdiction Rationae Personae over Moral Damages Claims
CHAPTER 3. Jurisdiction Rationae Materiae over Moral Damages Claims
CHAPTER 4. Substantive Elements Required of Moral Damages Claims
CHAPTER 5. Compensation for Moral Harm
CHAPTER 6. Conclusion