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Copyright Law in an Age of Limitations and Exceptions (eBook)

Edited by: Ruth L. Okediji

ISBN13: 9781316564240
Published: March 2017
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £41.99
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Copyright Law in an Age of Limitations and Exceptions brings together leading copyright scholars and the field's foremost authorities to consider the critical role of copyright law in shaping the complex social, economic, and political interaction critical for cultural productivity and human flourishing.

The book addresses defining issues facing copyright law today, including justifications for copyright law's limitations and exceptions (L&Es), the role of authors in copyright, users' rights, fair use politics and reform, the three-step test in European copyright law, the idea/expression principle with respect to functional works, limits on the use of L&Es in scientific innovation, and L&Es as a tool for economic development in international copyright law.

The book also presents case studies on the historical development of the concept of 'neighboring rights' and on Harvard Law School's pioneering model of global copyright education, made possible by the exercise of L&Es across national borders.

Other Jurisdictions , eBooks, USA
1. Justifications for copyright limitations and exceptions Pamela Samuelson
2. The author's place in the future of copyright Jane C. Ginsburg
3. Fetishizing copies Jessica Litman
4. Copyright in a digital ecosystem: a user-rights approach Niva Elkin-Koren
5. The Canadian copyright story: how Canada improbably became the world leader on users' rights in copyright law Michael Geist
6. Is copyright reform possible? Lessons from the Hargreaves Review James Boyle
7. Fair use and its politics - at home and abroad Justin Hughes
8. Flexible copyright: can EU author's right accommodate fair use? P. Bernt Hugenholtz
9. Lessons from CopyrightX William W. Fisher, III
10. Rights on the border: the Berne Convention and neighboring rights Sam Ricketson
11. How Oracle erred: computer programs, functional use, and the patent-copyright divide Wendy J. Gordon
12. The limits of 'limitations and exceptions' in copyright law Jerome H. Reichman
13. International copyright limitations and exceptions as development policy Ruth L. Okediji
14. A few observations on the state of copyright law William F. Patry.