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A Social History of Company Law: Great Britain and the Australian Colonies 1854-1920 (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781317186755
Published: July 2009
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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The history of incorporations legislation and its administration is intimately tied to changes in social beliefs in respect to the role and purpose of the corporation. By studying the evolution of the corporate form in Britain and a number of its colonial possessions, the book illuminates debates on key concepts including the meanings of laissez faire, freedom of commerce, the notion of corporate responsibility and the role of the state in the regulation of business.

In doing so, the book advances our understanding of the shape, effectiveness and deficiencies of modern regulatory regimes.

Company Law, Legal History, eBooks
Social attitudes to company law: 1720 to 1855
Christian Socialism and the debate on limited liability legislation
The reasons for the enactment of, and the form taken by, English limited liability legislation: 1855/1856
The first 15 years of limited liability companies legislation in England 1855/1870
The 1870s and early 1880s: the growing acceptability of limited liability incorporation
The consolidation of company lae 1886/1914
limited liability company legislation in the colonies: the Australian experience 1864/1920