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Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions Looseleaf

ISBN13: 9780420619501
ISBN: 042061950X
Published: December 1998
Publisher: Thomson West Subscriptions
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Looseleaf & Disk
Price: Price on Application

Whether representing the buyer or the target company, this work--including disk--provides the practical tools to conduct thorough, cost-effective intellectual property audits. It covers both business strategies and the complex law and regulations relating to intellectual properties.

It includes clear instructions and expert advice on each stage of the due diligence, including preliminary considerations (attorney-client privilege issues, confidentiality obligations, letters of intent, and representations and warranties); organizing (crafting strategies, selecting team members, budgeting and scheduling, preparing and producing documents, and record keeping); auditing assets (patents, trademarks and trade names, domain names, copyrights, trade secrets, and databases); and transaction considerations.

Features and Benefits
* Offers sound advice on judging the strength of a company's intellectual property rights
* Provides an in-depth review of the process and content of an intellectual property diligence
* Comprehensive treatment of Internet topics
* Text, forms, and checklists all contain clear instructions and expert advice on each stage of the due diligence process
* Step-by-step format insures nothing will be missed or mishandled
* Supplies timesaving forms that can be printed out from the disk