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Women in the Law: Strategic Career Management

Edited by: Elizabeth Cruikshank

ISBN13: 9781853288227
ISBN: 1853288225
Published: September 2003
Publisher: Law Society Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

What does it take to become a successful lawyer? And even more so a successful woman lawyer?;Elizabeth Cruickshank has interviewed 28 women solicitors, barristers and judges, each recognized as outstanding in her profession. They talk eloquently about what the law means to them, why they chose the law and the routes they took to their present positions.;You should also find valuable practical advice by recognized experts on choosing the right career path, networking, presentational skills and negotiating flexible working terms.

Professional Conduct and Ethics
Part I:
1.1. A short history, Elizabeth Cruickshank
The first women lawyers
Social attitudes
Up to the present
1.2. Careers in the law for women, Elizabeth Cruickshank and Penny Terndrup
Career Options
Private practice as a solicitor
Solicitors in private practice
In-house counsel
The Government Legal Service
Academic teaching and research
1.3. Taking control of your work-life balance, Jayne Buxton
Think about it
Developing a personal change strategy
Getting out and moving on
Part II:
Interviews, Elizabeth Cruickshank
Florence Baron
Susannah Bates
Margaret Bennett
Margaret Brazier
Fiona Bruce
Elizabeth Butler-Sloss
Eileen Carroll
Eva Crawley
Alison Eddy
Janet Gaymer
Brenda Hale
Melissa Hardee
Harriet Harman
Madeleine Heggs
Dianna Kempe
Helena Kennedy
Carolyn Kirby
Margaret McCabe
Lesley MacDonagh
Judith Mayhew
Barbara Mills
Diana Parker
Alison Parkinson
Eileen Pembridge
Barbara Roche
Sandra Teichman
Juliet Wheldon
Rosalind Wright
Part III:
3.1. Improving your soft skills, Richard Payne
What are soft skills?
Presentation skills
It's not what you say...
Asserting yourself - a common sense approach
Influencing and selling skills
Improve your profile
Negotiation skills
Final thoughts
3.2. Managing time effectively, Dianna Keel
Treating the symptoms
Do mechanical techniques work?
Intermediate techniques
Priority management
Have a clear purpose if you want to get the most out of your life
3.3. Dancing with stress, Dianna Keel
Some facts and figures
Why are lawyers so stressed?
What causes work-place stress?
So, why isn't more being done?
What can be done?
Burn-out and balance
Good news for women
Take a look at your job
Structuring your day
Outside the workplace
3.4. Leadership, Sally Woodward
Case study: the newly appointed practice leader
What are effective leaders and what do they do?
So what, now what...?
3.5. Rainmaking and networking, Tania Martin
Networking in practice.