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Planning Enforcement

ISBN13: 9780854901166
Published: July 2015
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

"The Wildy book scores on its own terms by giving the basics to the busy practitioner; text is short and direct. This book is commended to those whose time is precious". The Law Gazette

Planning enforcement is often seen as a minefield that straddles planning and criminal law and this book is a comprehensive and practical guide to planning enforcement in practice.

It provides a thorough guide helpful to Local Authorities and private sector practitioners on matters ranging from the decision to issue a notice through to proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 as well as dealing with the appeal system.

Planning Enforcement sets out the very detailed technical complexities of enforcement through an easy-to-follow structure. The book draws together the statutory framework, case law and guidance. The authors intend the book to serve as a practical reference and include useful examples of Notices and appeal forms.

Topics covered include:-

  • Content and issue of an Enforcement Notice
  • Validity and nullity
  • Grounds of Appeal
  • Inquiry Procedure
  • Listed Building Enforcement Notice
  • Consequences of failure to comply including criminal prosecution and injunctive proceedings
Planning Enforcement takes into account the ever-changing landscapes of planning law and guidance, including the Localism Act and the National Planning Policy Framework.

Local Government Law, Planning Law, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill
1. Background to the Current Enforcement Provisions
2. Enforcement Options
3. Enforcement Notices – Issue, Service and Content
4. Procedure for Appeals to the Secretary of State against Enforcement Notices
5. Grounds of Appeal to the Secretary of State against Enforcement Notices
6. Invalidity, Nullity and the Power to Vary
7. Listed Building Enforcement Notices
8. Certificates of Lawfulness of Existing Use or Development
9. Failure to Comply – Consequences, including Criminal Sanctions
10. Injunctions;
11. The Localism Act 2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2012
12. Statutory Appeals to the High Court
1. Case Study
2. Planning Contravention Notice
3. Enforcement Notice
4. Grounds of Appeal
5. Information;
6. Summons
7. Injunction
8. National Planning Policy Framework (extract);
9. Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), Part VII Enforcement
10. Useful Website Addresses

Series: Wildy Practice Guides

Advising and Representing Clients at Mediation ISBN 9780854901210
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Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
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Planning Law and Practice ISBN 9780854901159
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Charities and Not-for-Profit Entities: Law and Practice ISBN 9780854900749
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Personal Injury Litigation 4th ed ISBN 9780854900862
Published September 2011
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Procedure in Civil Courts and Tribunals 3rd ed ISBN 9780854900510
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Debt Recovery in the Courts ISBN 9780854900732
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Termination of Employment 5th ed ISBN 9780854900541
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Residential Tenancies 5th ed ISBN 9780854900428
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