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Copyright in the Digital Age: Industry Issues and Impacts

Edited by: Trevor Fenwick, Ian Locks

ISBN13: 9780854900800
Published: November 2010
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The primary purpose of this book is to inform the debate on the future of copyright in the digital age: a professional resource for those seeking information on the importance and value of Copyright to the UK’s Creative Industries and to promote understanding of the importance of those industries and their reliance on their ability to ‘own’ intellectual property through copyright legislation.

The book contains articles and submissions by leading industry practitioners, lawyers and academics with practical experience of the importance of Copyright in the UK as well as those at the ‘sharp end’ as publishers and producers.

It reflects the challenges to be faced with the development of the digital usage of copyright material as well as tracking the Stationers’ 450 years of involvement in the development of copyright, enshrined in law by the Statute of Anne 300 years ago.

Intellectual Property Law, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill

The Encouragement of Learning - Dr Sarah Thomas
The Stationers’ Company and Copyright: a Brief Introduction - Noel Osborne
Copyright and the Information Explosion: an Overview - Clive Bradley
Tomorrow’s Humanities - James Murdoch
Do Libraries Dream of Electric Sheep? - Lisbet Rausing
Why Copyright Remains Important: A Perspective from a Data Publisher - Trevor Fenwick
Other Men’s Flowers - David R Worlock
An Act for the Encouragement of … Enforcement - Rod Kirwan
The Role of the Creative Industries in Rebuilding the UK Economy - Helen Alexander
The European Union: In 2010 is Copyright still able to Protect and Reward the Creative Heart of Europe? - Angela Mills Wade
Happy Birthday to Copyright - Simon Juden
The Answer to the Machine - Mark Bide and Alicia Wise
Collective Licensing: Responding to the Challenges of the Digital Age - Kevin Fitzgerald
Accentuate the Positive Aspects of Copyright for the Sake of Future Posterity - Andrew Yeates
Copyright’s Balancing Act and the Role of the Library - Michael Heaney
Copyright through the Looking-glass - Tom Rivers
The Changing Role of Copyright - Roger Parry
Does the Database Directive have a Future? - Laurence Kaye
Enlightenment Now - Dominic McGonigal
Copyright in the Digital Environment: a Broadcaster’s Perspective -Najma Rajah
Copyright in Practice: The Publisher Perspective - Kevin Taylor
Why Copyright is still Important after 300 Years - Iain Stevenson
Is Queen Anne’s Statute Relevant to Twitter?- John Howkins
How can government balance effective copyright protection and users’ needs? - Judith Sullivan